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Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien, Billrothhaus, Gesellschaft der Ärzte

Historic catalogue of journals

The catalogue of the Gesellschaft der Ärzte includes the printed material collected since the foundation of the library in 1837, It contains about 1900 journals and they include first charges of internationally renowned journals like The Lancet, JAMA or New England Journal of Medicine

The journals can be lent during the library's regular opening hours.

Opening hours of the library:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9.00 - 13.00
Wed 9.00 - 16.00
or by appointment
Tel: +43(1)4054777




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Tohoku-Daigaku <Sendai, Honshu>Science reports of the Research Institutes, Tohoku University
The Tokai journal of experimental and clinical medicine
Print-Bestand: 1.1976 - 30.2005,4; Standort: C 101;
Tokyo-ika-shika-daigaku - Bulletin of the Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Print-Bestand: 25.1978 - 43.1996; Lueckenangabe: [N=33;34; L=25-27;36;37;39;40]; Standort: M 162;
Fortsetzung: --> Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences
Tokyo-Jikeikai-Ika-Daigaku Jikeikai medical journal
Print-Bestand: 49.2002 - 58.2011; Lueckenangabe: [L=55; 58]; Standort: C 205;
Tomasits, Josef, Automation im medizinischen Laboratorium (abgehalten an der Akademie für den medizinisch-technischen Laboratoriumsdienst im Allgemeinen Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien, 1992,1993 u. 1994. Unpubliziertes, gebundenes Manuskript. [Wien ca. 1994],
Standort: M 200;
Tommasi Giornale di biologia e di medicina
Print-Bestand: 5.1910 - 6.1911; Standort: ZB;
Tontschev, Georgi (Hrsg.), Therapie des Krebsschmerzes. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1988, 156 S.
Standort: M 200;
Tontschev, Georgi [et al.], Therapie bei Krebsschmerzen. Eine Literaturanalyse. Berlin: Akademie d. Wiss. [1984], 206 S.
Standort: M 200;
Toxic oil syndrome : mass food poisoning in Spain ; report on a WHO meeting Madrid, 21-25 march 1983 / Weltgesundheitsorganisation, Regionalbüro für Europa. Copenhagen 1984, 92 Seiten.
Standort: M 200;
Toxins (Online-Bestand: 1.2009 -)
Tragl, Karl Heinz [Hg.], 10 Jahre Donauspital: Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Ost der Stadt Wien; der Krankenhausbetrieb von 1992 bis 2002. Wien : KAV - Wiener Krankenanstaltenverbund, 2002
Standort: M 200;
The Training School Bulletin
Print-Bestand: 24.1927 - 34.1937; Lueckenangabe: [L]; Standort: ZB;
Transaction of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Print-Bestand: 1.1931; Lueckenangabe: [L=1]; Standort: C 068;
Transactions of pathological society of Philadelphia
Print-Bestand: 18.1898 - 30.1909; 35.1914-40; 44;48;49; 50.1937; Lueckenangabe: [N=29]; Standort: C 207;
Transactions of the ... Meeting of the American Surgical Association
Transactions of the 15th International Congress on hygiene and demography <Washington>
Print-Bestand: 1.1912 - 7.1912; Standort: M 8;
Transactions of the 7th International Congress of hygiene and demography
Print-Bestand: 1.1891 - 13.1891; Lueckenangabe: [N=10]; Standort: N 022;
Transactions of the 7th International Congress of hygiene and demography Reports and Meetings
Print-Bestand: 1.1900 - 3.1900; Standort: N 022;
Transactions of the American Association for the study of goiter
Print-Bestand: 1932 - 1933; 1937 - 1938; Standort: ZB;
Transactions of the American Association of genito-urinary surgeons
Print-Bestand: 5.1910 - 12.1919; 27.1934 - 34.1941; Lueckenangabe: [N=5;30-33]; Standort: ZB;
Transactions of the American Gynecological Society
Print-Bestand: 1.1876; Standort: M 80;
Fortsetzung: Transactions of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Transactions of the American Medical Association
Print-Bestand: 26.1875; 32.1881 - 33.1882; Standort: C 058;
Transactions of the American Neurological Association
Print-Bestand: 1.1875 - 70.1944; Lueckenangabe: [N=2-6;12-16;18-42;44-48;59-68]; Standort: C 068;
Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society
Print-Bestand: 5.1868 - 47.1911; N.S. 14.1916 - 17.1919; Lueckenangabe: [N=21-32]; Standort: C 056;
Transactions of the American Orthopaedic Association
Print-Bestand: 6.1894; Standort: ZB;
The Transactions of the American Otological Society
Print-Bestand: 3.1882-87 - 13.1913-15; Lueckenangabe: [N=6]; Standort: M 139;
Transactions of the American Pediatric Society
Print-Bestand: 1.1889 - 26.1914; 38.1926 - 50.1938; Lueckenangabe: [N=2:7-9;12-25; L=38-50]; Standort: C 169;
Transactions of the American Surgical Association
Print-Bestand: 3.1885 - 82.1964; Lueckenangabe: [N=4-7;10;12-16;29-35;37;45-46;48-67;69-81]; Standort: M 160;
Transactions of the annual meeting of the American Laryngological Association
Print-Bestand: 3.1881 - 15.1893; Standort: M 79;
Transactions of the Association of fellows and licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland
Print-Bestand: 1.1817 - 2.1818; Standort: C 056;
Transactions of the Central States Pediatric Society
Print-Bestand: 12.1927; Standort: M 60;
Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society
Print-Bestand: 8.1909 - 15.1937; Lueckenangabe: [L=15]; Standort: ZB;
Transactions of the Clinical Society of London
Print-Bestand: 16.1883; Standort: ZB;
Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Print-Bestand: 9.1887 - 15.1893; Standort: C 055;
Transactions of the Congress of American physicians and surgeons
Print-Bestand: 2.1891; Standort: S 3;
Transactions of the Fifteenth International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Washington Sept. 1912. 6 volumes (in acht Bänden), 1912/1913.
Standort: N 022;
Transactions of the International Medical Congress
Print-Bestand: 1876; Standort: M 22;
Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland
Print-Bestand: 86.1884 - 98.1896; Standort: M 80;
Transactions of the Medical Society of London
Print-Bestand: 1.1810; 22.1899 - 28.1905; 53.1930 - 59.1936; Lueckenangabe: [N=55-57]; Standort: ZB;
Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of California
Print-Bestand: 1870/71 - 1871/72; Standort: M 80;
Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh
Print-Bestand: 6.1886/87 - 12.1892/93; Lueckenangabe: [N=8-10]; Standort: C 056;
Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine
Print-Bestand: 1.1851; Standort: M 78;
Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences
Print-Bestand: 9.1947 - 37.1975; Lueckenangabe: [L=3;11;14-15;17;19;26-27;29;36-37]; Standort: M 149;
Transactions of the New York obstetrical society
Print-Bestand: 1909 - 1911; Standort: ZB;
Transactions of the New York surgical society
Print-Bestand: 1.1912; Standort: ZB;
Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom
Print-Bestand: 9.1889 - 33.1913; 39.1919; 58.1938; Lueckenangabe: [N=11.1891-17.1897]; Standort: C 058;
Transactions of the pathological society of London
Print-Bestand: 21.1870 - 58.1907; Lueckenangabe: [N=23-24;30-31;34-35;39-49]; Standort: C 062;
Fortsetzung: --> Proceedings of the Royal society of Medicin
Transactions of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland
Print-Bestand: 4.1886 - 11.1893; Standort: C 056;
Transactions of the Southern Surgical Association
Transactions of the Western Branch Society of the American Urological Association
Print-Bestand: 2.1933 - 9.1939; 1950; Standort: ZB;