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Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien, Billrothhaus, Gesellschaft der Ärzte

Historic catalogue of journals

The catalogue of the Gesellschaft der Ärzte includes the printed material collected since the foundation of the library in 1837, It contains about 1900 journals and they include first charges of internationally renowned journals like The Lancet, JAMA or New England Journal of Medicine

The journals can be lent during the library's regular opening hours.

Opening hours of the library:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9.00 - 13.00
Wed 9.00 - 16.00
or by appointment
Tel: +43(1)4054777




#   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   

Report of the Wellcome research laboratories at the Gordon Memorial Collage Kharitoum
Print-Bestand: 1.1904 - 4.1911; Standort: M 81;
Reports from the laboratory from the Royal College of Physicians
Print-Bestand: 1.1889 - 4.1892; Standort: ZB;
Reproduction in Domestic Animals (Online-Bestand: 31.1996 -)
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology (Online-Bestand: 1.2003 -)
Reproductive Health (Online-Bestand: 1.2004 -)
Reproductive Medicine and Biology (Online-Bestand: 1.2002 -)
Research in experimental medicine
Print-Bestand: 157.1972 - 196.1996; Standort: C 107;
Research in Immunology (C/D)
Print-Bestand: 140.1989 -; Standort: M 166;
Research in Microbiology (A/B)
Print-Bestand: 140.1989 - 150.1999; Standort: KB 11;
Vorgänger: --> Annales de l'Institut Pasteur
Research In Nursing & Health (Online-Bestand: 19.1996-)
Researches published from the wards and laboratories of the London Hospital
Print-Bestand: 1928 - 1933; Standort: ZB;
Residue reviews
Print-Bestand: 1.1962 - 62.1976; Standort: M 196;
Resolutions et decisions quatrieme assemblee mondvale de la sante
Print-Bestand: 1951; Standort: ZB;
Print-Bestand: 25.1968 - 63.1996; Standort: C 226;
Vorgänger: --> Medicina Thoracalis
Respiratory Research (Online-Bestand: 1.2000 -)
Respirology (Online-Bestand: 1.1996 -)
Retrovirology (Online-Bestand: 1.2004 -)
The Review of gastroenterology
Print-Bestand: 1.1934 - 20.1953; Lueckenangabe: [N=7-8;11;18; L=1-2;5-6;9-10;12-17;19-20]; Standort: ZB;
Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Hematology
Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (Online-Bestand: 2000-)
Reviews In Medical Virology (Online-Bestand: 6.1996-)
Reviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology
Print-Bestand: 70.1974 - 129.1996; Standort: M 88;
Revista brasileira de clinica e terapeutica
Print-Bestand: 8.1979-19.1990; Lueckenangabe: [L]; Standort: M 170;
Revista brasileira de medicina
Print-Bestand: 6.1949 - 46.1989; Lueckenangabe: [L=2-5;17-18; 22-23;25;27;29;31-36;38-39;42-44;47-48]; Standort: M 141;
Revista brasiliera de Anestesiologia
Print-Bestand: 19.1969 - 23.1979; Lueckenangabe: [N=22]; Standort: ZB;
Revista de chirurgia de Barcelona
Print-Bestand: 1.1931 - 12.1936; Lueckenangabe: [L=1]; Standort: ZB;
Revista de chirurgie
Print-Bestand: 1.1897 - 7.1903; 34.1931 - 43.1940; Lueckenangabe: [L=34;40-43]; Standort: C 076/077;
Revista de medicina y cirugia practicas
Print-Bestand: 20.1896; 40.1867 - 104.1914; 125.1920 - 127.1920; Lueckenangabe: [N=61;78; L=20;104;124-127]; Standort: C 071;
Revista del Instituto bacteriologico
Print-Bestand: 1.1917 - 16.1954; Lueckenangabe: [N=10;13; L=1-5;8-9;11-12;14-15]; Standort: ZB;
Revista espanola de anestesiologia y reanimacion
Print-Bestand: 20.1973 - 21.1974; Standort: S 7;
Revista espanola de fisiologia
Print-Bestand: 1.1945 - 8.1952; Lueckenangabe: [N=4]; Standort: ZB;
Revista espanola de laringologia, otologia y rinologia
Print-Bestand: 13.1922 - 17.1926; Lueckenangabe: [L=13-14;17]; Standort: ZB;
Revista espanola de Las Enfermedades de aparato digestivo y de la nutrition
Print-Bestand: 1.1935 - 2.1936; Standort: ZB;
Revista espanola de pediatria
Print-Bestand: 21.1965 - 36.1980; Lueckenangabe: [L]; Standort: S 8;
Revista iberoamericana de trombosis y hemostasia
Print-Bestand: 7.1994 - 14.2001,4; Lueckenangabe: [L]; Standort: S 9;
Revista medica de Barcelona
Print-Bestand: 4.1925 - 25.1936; Lueckenangabe: [L=6;8;9]; Standort: ZB;
Revista médica de Chile (Online-Bestand: 126.1998 -)
Print-Bestand: 56.1928 - 80.1952; Lueckenangabe: [N=60-73; L=56;76-80]; Standort: ZB;
Revista medica latino americana
Print-Bestand: 10.1924 - 26.1941; Lueckenangabe: [L=10-11;24-26]; Standort: ZB;
Revista medico-chirurgicală din Iaşi
Print-Bestand: 36.1925 - 42.1931; Lueckenangabe: [L=40;42]; Standort: ZB;
Revista oto-neuro-oftalmologica y de cirurgia neurologica sud-americana
Print-Bestand: 6.1931 - 14.1939; Lueckenangabe: [L=6-7;14]; Standort: ZB;
Revista sanitaria
Print-Bestand: 4.1910 - 7.1913; Standort: M 81;
Revista Stiintelor Medicale
Print-Bestand: 13.1924 - 33.1944; Lueckenangabe: [N=27; L=26;28;32;33]; Standort: ZB;
Revosta de higiene y de tuberculosis
Print-Bestand: 17.1924 - 28.1935; Lueckenangabe: [L=17-18;20;22-28]; Standort: ZB;
Revue belge de pathologie et de médecine expérimentale
Print-Bestand: 18.1947 - 31.1965; Standort: ZB;
Revue belge des sciences médicales
Print-Bestand: 1.1929 - 17.1946; Lueckenangabe: [N=16; L=14-15;17]; Standort: ZB;
Revue d'Actiologie et de physiotherapie
Print-Bestand: 6.1930 - 15.1939; Lueckenangabe: [L=6;15]; Standort: ZB;
Revue d'hématologie
Print-Bestand: 1.1946 - 5.1950; 8.1953; 13.1958; Lueckenangabe: [L=3;8;13]; Standort: ZB;
Revue d'hygiéne et de médecine infantiles
Print-Bestand: 1.1902 - 10.1911; Standort: M 73;
Revue d'immunologie
Print-Bestand: 1.1935 - 9.1943; 34.1972 - 36.1972; Lueckenangabe: [N=6;9]; Standort: ZB;
Revue d'immunologie et de thérapie antimicrobienne
Print-Bestand: 10.1944 - 12.1948; 14.1950; 20.1956 - 33.1969; Lueckenangabe: [N=22; L=14]; Standort: ZB;