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Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien, Billrothhaus, Gesellschaft der Ärzte

Historic catalogue of journals

The catalogue of the Gesellschaft der Ärzte includes the printed material collected since the foundation of the library in 1837, It contains about 1900 journals and they include first charges of internationally renowned journals like The Lancet, JAMA or New England Journal of Medicine

The journals can be lent during the library's regular opening hours.

Opening hours of the library:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9.00 - 13.00
Wed 9.00 - 16.00
or by appointment
Tel: +43(1)4054777




#   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   

Journal of Hematology & Oncology (Online-Bestand: 1.2008 -)
Journal of Hematopathology (Online-Bestand: 2008-)
The Journal of heredity
Print-Bestand: 17.1926 - 22.1931; 40.1949; Lueckenangabe: [L=40]; Standort: ZB;
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry (Online-Bestand: 34.1997 -)
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology [Medical Sciences] (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Journal of Human Ergology
Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics (Online-Bestand: 9.1996 -)
Journal of hygiene
Print-Bestand: 1.1901 - 13.1914; 20.1921; 45.1947 - 54.1956; Lueckenangabe: [N=48;53; L=14;45;47;54]; Standort: M 73;
Journal of Hypertension
Print-Bestand: 2.1984, 3.1985(Suppl) - 4.1986(+Suppl), 13.1995 - 26.2008; Lueckenangabe: 3,14(Suppl); Standort: KG 41;
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health (Online-Bestand: 2006-)
Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines (Online-Bestand: 1.2003 -)
The Journal of immunology
Print-Bestand: 1.1916 - 184.2010,4; Lueckenangabe: [N=8;45;52-55;57; L=39-41;43-44;46-51;56;102;1160I,72;176;177;181;182;183;184]; Standort: KB 14-16, M 136/137;
The Journal of Indian Prosthodontic Society (Online-Bestand: 2010-)
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
Print-Bestand: 1.1904 - 2001; Lueckenangabe: [N=133II;137II; L=20;22-24;66-67]; Standort: M 164-165;
Journal of Inflammation (Online-Bestand: 1.2004 -)
Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Journal of intellectual disability research (Online-Bestand: 40.1996 -)
Journal of internal medicine (+ Supplement) (Online-Bestand: 239.1996 -)
Print-Bestand: 225.1989 - 246.1999; Suppl. 732,733; Standort: C 196 - C 197;
Vorgänger: Acta Medica Scandinavica
The Journal of international medical research
Print-Bestand: 1.1972/73 - 29.2001; 35.2007 - 38.2010; Lueckenangabe: [L=4;12;35]; Standort: C 133;
Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Journal of interventional cardiology (Online-Bestand: 9.1996 -)
Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry (Online-Bestand: 1.2010 -)
The Journal of investigative dermatology (Online-Bestand: 1.1938 -)
aktuellen 12 Monate nicht verfügbar

Print-Bestand: 1.1938 - 5.1942; 8.1947 - 126.2006; Lueckenangabe: [N=6;7;25 L=1-5;8;14; 24; 79;102;126]; Standort: C 120 - C 121;
Journal of investigative dermatology Symposium Proceedings
Print-Bestand: 2.1997,1; 3.1998 - 11.2006,1; Lueckenangabe: [L=2,11]; Standort: C 121;
Journal of investigative medicine
Print-Bestand: 43.1995 - 49.2001; Lueckenangabe: [L=44]; Standort: C 134;
Vorgänger: Clinical Research
Journal of Korean Medical Science (Online-Bestand: 1.1986 -)
Journal Of Labelled Compounds And Radiopharmaceuticals (Online-Bestand: 38.1996-)
The Journal of laboratory and clinical medicine
Print-Bestand: 1.1915/16 - 2001; Lueckenangabe: [L=18]; Standort: C 102 - C 103;
The Journal of laryngology and otology
Print-Bestand: 37.1922 - 109.1995; Lueckenangabe: [N=64;67-68;70-71; L=54-57;59-61;69]; Standort: M 184;
The Journal of laryngology, rhinology and otology
Print-Bestand: 14.1899 - 16.1901; 24.1909,1-2; 25.1910 - 34.1919; Lueckenangabe: [L=24-25]; Standort: M 184;
Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics (Online-Bestand: 24.1996 -)
Journal of Lipid Research
Print-Bestand: 1.1959/60 - 43.2002; Standort: KB 10;
Journal of lower genital tract disease
Journal of magnetic resonance
Print-Bestand: 64.1985 - 70.1986; Standort: M 94;
Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (Online-Bestand: 1.2011 -)
Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (Online-Bestand: 8.2009 -)
Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences
Print-Bestand: 44.1997 - 57.2010; Lueckenangabe: [L=46;54]; Standort: C 085;
Vorgänger: --> The Bulletin of the Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Journal of Medical Case Reports (Online-Bestand: 1.2007 -)
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology - Australasian radiology (Online-Bestand: 40.1996 -)
Journal of medical primatology (Online-Bestand: 25.1996 -)
The Journal of medical research
Print-Bestand: 6.1901; 22.1910 - 44.1923/24; Lueckenangabe: [L=6+Index]; Standort: M 77;
Journal of Medical Ultrasonics (Online-Bestand: 2001-)
Journal Of Medical Virology (Online-Bestand: 48.1996 -)
Journal of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry
Print-Bestand: 1.1959 - 5.1962; Standort: KB 11;
Fortsetzung: --> Journal of medicinal chemistry
Journal of medicinal chemistry
Print-Bestand: 6.1963 - 42.1999; Lueckenangabe: [N=8]; Standort: KB 10/11;
Vorgänger: --> Journal of medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry
Journal of Medicine and the Person (Online-Bestand: 2009-)
Journal of medicine, clinical, experimental and molecular
Print-Bestand: 6.1975 - 14.1983; Standort: AZ IV 16;
Vorgänger: Journal of medicine, experimental and clinical
Journal of medicine, experimental and clinical
Print-Bestand: 1.1970 - 5.1974; Standort: AZ IV 16;
Fortsetzung: Journal of medicine, clinical, experimental and molecular
The Journal of men's health and (&) gender (Online-Bestand: May 2004 -)
Print-Bestand: 1.2004 - 3.2006,2; Standort: S 8;