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Gesellschaft der Ärzte in Wien, Billrothhaus, Gesellschaft der Ärzte

Historic catalogue of journals

The catalogue of the Gesellschaft der Ärzte includes the printed material collected since the foundation of the library in 1837, It contains about 1900 journals and they include first charges of internationally renowned journals like The Lancet, JAMA or New England Journal of Medicine

The journals can be lent during the library's regular opening hours.

Opening hours of the library:
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 9.00 - 13.00
Wed 9.00 - 16.00
or by appointment
Tel: +43(1)4054777




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BMC Medical Genomics
BMC Medical Imaging (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Medical Physics (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Medical Research Methodology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Medicine (Online-Bestand: 1.2003 -)
BMC Microbiology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Molecular Biology (Online-Bestand: 1.2000 -)
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (Online-Bestand: 1.2000 -)
BMC Nephrology (Online-Bestand: 1.2000 -)
BMC Neurology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Neuroscience (Online-Bestand: 1.2000 -)
BMC Nursing (Online-Bestand: 1.2002 -)
BMC Ophthalmology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Oral Health (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Palliative Care (Online-Bestand: 1.2002 -)
BMC Pediatrics (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Physiology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Plant Biology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Proceedings (Online-Bestand: 1.2007 -)
BMC Psychiatry (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Psychology (Online-Bestand: 1.2013 -)
BMC Public Health (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Pulmonary Medicine (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Research Notes (Online-Bestand: 1.2008 -)
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation (Online-Bestand: 1.2009 -)
BMC Structural Biology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Surgery (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Systems Biology (Online-Bestand: 1.2007 -)
BMC Urology (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
BMC Veterinary Research (Online-Bestand: 1.2005 -)
BMC Women's Health (Online-Bestand: 1.2001 -)
Bodensatz des Lebens : [zugleich ein Merkbuch] / von Robert Gersuny. Wien : Heller, 1912, 2. verm. Aufl. 100 S.
Standort: M 200;
Boenheim, Felix, Von Huang-ti bis Harvey: zur Geschichte der Entdeckung des Blutkreislaufs. Jena: Fischer 1957, 60 S.
Standort: M 200;
Boerner Jahrbuch der praktischen Medizin
Print-Bestand: 1879 - 1911; Lueckenangabe: [N=1895;1905;1909-1910]; Standort: M 72;
Bolletino delle sezioni regionali
Print-Bestand: 1931 - 1937; Standort: C 073;
Bolletino e memorie della societa piemontese di chirurgia
Print-Bestand: 4.1934; Standort: ZB;
Bollettino della associazione medica triestina
Print-Bestand: 1897/98 - 1912/13; Standort: M 73;
Bonin, Gerhardt von, Essay on the cerebral cortex. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas 1950, 150 S.
Standort: M 200;
Borchers, H.-G., Hämatologie für die Praxis. München: Verlag Frühmorgen 1966.
Standort: M 200;
Boschung, Urs, Albrecht Haller in Paris 1727-1728. Bern: Hans Huber 2009
Standort: M 200;
Boston medical and surgical journal
Print-Bestand: 66.1862 - 197.1927/28; Lueckenangabe: [N=67-87; 110-111;116-117; 140;174-180 L=109]; Standort: C 169;
Fortsetzung: -> New England Journal of Medicine
Bozner Medizinische Gesellschaft - Atti della Società Medica di Bolzano
Print-Bestand: 3.1954 - 24.1975; Lueckenangabe: [N=8-15]; Standort: S 6;
Print-Bestand: 1.1878/79 - 96.1973; Lueckenangabe: [N=7;10-20; 63-68; L=1;3;9;62]; Standort: C 154 - C 155;
Brain Pathology (Online-Bestand: 7.1997-)
Brain Tumor Pathology (Online-Bestand: 1997-)
Bratislavké Lekárske Listy
Print-Bestand: 1938-1939; 1948; Standort: ZB;
Braun, Lutz, 44 Jahre Medizin. Studium, Ausbildung, Beruf. Detmold 1998, Maschinschriftl. Vervielfältigt. 148 S.
Standort: M 200;